Skills, Traits, & Conditions
Acrobatics. Proficient at balancing (you can attempt on very difficult ground, or to sprint or sneak on difficult ground). Proficient at leaping (you can attempt to leap up to twice usual distances). Your attacks aren't impaired while balancing and leaping. You can perform a number of acrobatic performance acts, such as trampoline, trapeze, aerial silk, etc.
Acting. Proficient at disguising yourself (you can't be unmasked passively, you can attempt to look like someone else). Proficient at distracting by acting out plays. You can convincingly fake emotions, disguise your voice, imitate accents, and change your mannerism.
Alchemy. You are literate. You can speak Classic. You can craft alchemical substances, such as acid vials, fire bomb, flash powder, and smoke bombs, in a suitably equipped workshop. Knowledgeable about alchemical concepts, tools, raw ingredients, etc.
Ambidextrous. You can use both hands equally well. Damage isn't impaired when you attack with a weapon in your non-dominant hand. You can attack the same target with two weapons at once, rolling damage for both but only considering the higher roll.
Animal handling. Proficient at training and befriending animals (you can attempt targeting wild animals). In combination with the medicine skill, you can diagnose poison and disease afflicting animals. Knowledgeable about animal care: feeding, grooming, training, taming, understanding needs, etc.
Apothecary. You can craft drugs and medicinal substances, such as antidotes, cures, healing draughts, and medicine boxes, using apothecary tools. Knowledgeable about medicinal ingredients, herbalism, etc.
Bargain. Proficient at bargaining. You purchase items at half price unless the seller also has this skill. Conversely, you sell at full price even if the seller has this skill. You are able to accurately estimate the value of most items by taking a quick look.
Battle frenzy. You can become frenzied by spending a round inciting yourself into a frothing rage, or immediately when you suffer damage. The condition lasts until all enemies have been defeated or you spend a round trying to calm yourself and pass a WIT save. While frenzied, you recover 1 health for each enemy you kill.
Blather. You know how to attract attention, confuse, and offend with words. Proficient at taunting and distracting.
Bravery. You are immune to fear and treat terror as fear.
Brawling. Your unarmed attacks aren't impaired and inflict d6 damage. When you wear no armour, you have an innate armour value of 1 against unarmed attacks.
Burglary. Proficient at opening locks with lockpicks and crowbars (you can attempt without tools, or in just one round). You have fast reflexes and can react to all traps you trigger, even those you aren't aware of. Knowledgeable about typical security measures, safes, hiding spots for valuables, etc.
Bushcraft. Proficient at finding drinking water and shelter in the wilderness. You can efficiently navigate the wilderness: you only halve your movement speed instead of reducing it to ¼, and you move at full speed if you also have navigation tools. When you forage, you roll twice on the foraging table and choose the result you prefer. Knowledgeable about orientation in the wilderness, common plants, survival, etc.
Charm. You understand how to make people like you, and how to persuade them. Proficient at befriending and persuading.
Cleave. One per round, when you inflict critical damage or kill a target with a melee attack, you can immediately attack another target with the same weapon.
Climb. Proficient at climbing (you can attempt to climb sheer surfaces, or to sprint or sneak while climbing). Your attacks aren't impaired while climbing. When you attempt to cushion a fall, you always reduce the falling distance by 2 metres, and you reduce it by a total of 4 metres if you pass an AGI save.
Consume alcohol. You are used to drink large amount of ale, wine, and spirits, and can drink most other people under the table. You can consume an alcoholic drink per stretch without risking to become groggy, and you recover 2 health instead of 1 when you do. You can instantly recognise if something is wrong with a drink, for example if they have been poisoned.
Contortionist. Your joints are extremely flexible and you can bend your body in absurd shapes. You can squeeze through small openings and easily escape bonds. There is a 1:4 chance that your flexibility lets you avoid an injury.
Crafting. You can craft a number of different items equal to half your WIT, and you are proficient at repairing them with a toolbox. You don't have to choose immediately what you can craft: as long as you still have free slots, you can decide at any time. However, you can't pick items which can be crafted via the alchemy, apothecary, or poisons skills. Knowledgeable about tools, processes, and raw materials relating to what you can craft.
Dark vision. You can see better than most under dim lighting, and you are used to rely on senses other than sight (hearing, smell, touch). You can see one zone further in areas illuminated by a dim light source such as a candle or a torch. Your melee attacks always hit even if you can't see the target, as long as you can hear them or detect them otherwise. In general, the GM might let you ignore penalties related to darkness or dim lighting when deemed appropriate. This is no supernatural power: you still can't see in total darkness!
Disarm. Targets of your disarm attacks can't resist with a STR save unless they also have this skill. You can only be disarmed by characters with this skill.
Disease resistance. When you become sick, immediately make a STR save: on a pass you recover immediately. If you fail, you must make recovery rolls at the end of each day, as per the normal rules.
Divination. If you have divination tools, you can spend an omen and a stretch of time to ask a question pertaining your current situation. The GM describes a vision giving you a cryptic answer. There is a 1:4 chance that the vision is wrong or misleading, rolled secretly by the GM. Knowledgeable about astrology, fortune telling, tarots, etc.
Dodge blows. You can dodge an attack without spending your turn once per round.
Drive carts. Proficient at driving land vehicles such as carts, coaches, chariots, sledges, etc. Your attacks aren't impaired when riding land vehicles, and can attack even when your vehicle moves at full speed.
Erudition. You are literate. You can speak Classic. Knowledgeable in all fields of academic lore: history, geography, beasts, plants, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, etc. Once per daily rest, you can ask the GM for a tip about the current situation, representing your intuition about the current circumstances. The GM can choose how to answer and how much information to give out, but it's reliable.
Faith. You are literate. You can speak Classic. You can invoke sacred powers. Your maximum omens are increased by 1. Knowledgeable about religion, theology, sacred texts, etc.
Farming. When you forage, you find an additional ration on a fruits and vegetables result. You are also able to recognise if what you have found is safe to eat or might expose to a negative effect. Knowledgeable about agriculture, animal husbandry, etc.
Fast strike. When you counter an attack or your attack is countered, you always hit first unless your opponent also has this skill.
Fire eating. You are able to perform tricks using burning sticks, such as extinguishing them with your tongue, juggling them, etc. You can spit an alcoholic drink through an open flame, such as a lit torch, to make a melee blast attack inflicting d4 fire damage. You reduce incoming fire damage by 1.
Fleet footed. When you sprint, you can move by an additional zone. You can freely dodge attacks of opportunity while moving, without needing to spend your turn.
Frugal. You can get by with very little. On a daily rest, you recover health and mana even if you don't satisfy all daily needs, but your abilities are still reduced if you don't. You pay only ¼ for lodging as you don't need any particular comforts or luxuries.
Gossip. Proficient at gathering information and finding contacts in settlements, for example for trading specific or illegal goods. You can gather rumours while performing another action taking a watch in a settlement, rather than having to spend time specifically for that. Furthermore, you have a certain intuition about whether the rumours are true or false. There is a 1:4 chance that your intuition is wrong, rolled secretly by the GM.
Heal. Proficient at performing surgeries (you can attempt without tools). You can use a medicine box more effectively than others: heal half STR in a stretch, or d8 damage (up to half STR) in a round. Knowledgeable about all kinds of wounds and injuries and ways to treat them.
Hunt. Proficient at following trails. When you forage, on a small game result you gain an additional ration, even if you don't have trapping tools. Knowledgeable about local fauna, hunting methods, identifying beasts from their tracks, etc.
Incorruptible. You halve the amount of corruption you suffer, but not when you suffer it by invoking profane powers.
Intimidate. You know how to scare people and inflict pain. Proficient at intimidating and torturing.
Languages. You are literate. You can speak a number of additional languages equal to half your WIT. You don't have to pick what languages you can speak immediately: you can choose at any moment, as long as you still have slots available.
Leadership. You understand what can drive someone and how to encourage people. Proficient at inspiring, and keeping the loyalty of followers, and rallying (you can attempt to rally a terrified ally, or all allies within range 1 at once).
Lucky. Your maximum omens are increased by 1. When you use an omen, there is a 1:4 chance it isn't actually spent. When choosing the target of an indiscriminate effect, such as a trap or a monster ambush, the GM might prioritise other characters over you.
Magic sense. You can spend a stretch in meditation to sense the presence of magic phenomena (ongoing powers, demons, magical creatures, etc.) in your zone or in your sector (your choice). You can only detect if any magic phenomena is present in the area, but can't count them, locate them, or determine their nature.
Magic shield. You can use an ancient technique to erect a magic shield around you. Activating or deactivating it takes a stretch spent in meditation, and it deactivates automatically if you are incapacitated, fall asleep, or die. Profane powers have a 1:2 chance of not working on you, no matter if harmful or beneficial. However, sorcerers can spend 1 enhancement point to ignore the shield.
Medicine. You are literate. You can speak Classic. You can diagnose poison and disease by spending a round examining a patient. After diagnosing, you can instruct someone with the apothecary skill to create a bespoke antidote or cure which is guaranteed to work. Knowledgeable about human anatomy and physiology, illnesses, and ailments.
Meditation. You remove all corruption on a full rest.
Monster slaying. You double damage inflicted against targets of larger size category, offsetting the typical penalties. For example, you inflict unmodified damage (instead of half) against targets one size larger, and half damage (instead of a quarter) against targets two sizes larger.
Music. Proficient at singing and playing music. Proficient at distracting by staging a musical performance. During a daily rest, you can play an inspiring song for the company, letting a single companion recover a spent omen. Knowledgeable about music theory, instruments, famous musicians, etc.
Pack rat. Your carry limit is increased by 2 (you can carry up to 10 bulk unencumbered, and up to 20 bulk encumbered). Your own bulk doesn't change.
Piercing strike. If you roll damage higher than your target's armour value, you completely ignore armour and inflict the full amount of damage. This skill doesn't work in situations where you are required to pass a WIT save to hit, as it requires full precision.
Play games. You always win at games which aren't based on luck against people without this skill. Your cheating attempts are always successful unless your opponents are paying close attention to you. People might still get suspicious if you win too much.
Poison resistance. You have grown resistant to toxins through repeated exposition. You automatically resist the first dose of poison or drugs you take within a stretch, and you resist the second if you pass a STR save. Subsequent doses have effect automatically.
Poisons. Proficient at identifying poison in food and drinks. You can craft all kinds of poisons using apothecary tools. Knowledgeable about different types of poisons, their effect and symptoms, etc.
Politics. You are literate. You can speak Classic. Knowledgeable in all fields of civil and political lore, such as laws, structures of power, bureaucracy, processes, etc. You know how to forge documents and letters: they probably won't pass extensive controls, but they might fool a routine check. You know whom to bribe, what to offer, and how to go about it: after talking with someone, you can ask the GM to reveal if they are bribable and what they might want.
Protect. You can guard without spending your turn any number of times.
Quick draw. You can equip and unequip any number of items held in hand as a single bonus action.
Ride. Proficient at riding animals (you can attempt to ride untrained animals, or without a saddle). Your attacks aren't impaired while riding. You can attack when your mount moves at full speed.
River lore. Proficient at driving boats, rafts, and other waterborne vehicles. You count as two people when rowing a boat and you can handle a sailing boat. Your attacks aren't impaired when on such a vehicle. When you forage, on a fish result you gain an additional ration, even if you don't have fishing tools.
Shield mastery. When you hold a shield, your armour value is increased by 1 against all attacks, not just if you react or are countered.
Skilled blow. You improve the damage die of melee attacks (excluding unarmed attacks): d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, d10 to d12. You can't improve a d12. In case of blast attacks, only one target takes increased damage.
Skilled shot. You improve the damage die of ranged attacks: d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, d10 to d12. You can't improve a d12. In case of blast attacks, only one target takes increased damage.
Sneak attack. You always inflict d12 damage when you attack unaware targets, no matter what weapon you are using, and even if you are making an unarmed attack (but unarmed attacks are still impaired).
Sorcery. You are literate. You can speak Magick. You can invoke profane powers. When you advance, you can increase your maximum mana by 1 instead of learning a new skill or improving your abilities, up to 6 at most. Knowledgeable about magic, demonology, esoteric lore, etc.
Steady aim. You double the effective range of ranged attacks, and you can shoot while moving without having to pass a WIT save to hit.
Steal. Proficient at stealing items (you can attempt to steal two items of bulk ½ or an item of bulk 1). You can quickly pocket small items (bulk ½), making them almost instantly disappear in your clothes.
Stealth. Proficient at sneaking. When your group is detected by other characters, make an AGI save. If you pass, you manage to stay hidden even though your companions are detected.
Strike to injure. When you inflict critical damage, you may choose to injure or kill the target. You choose what injury to apply instead of rolling on the table (it must still make somewhat sense), and you may choose that it is permanent rather than temporary.
Strike to stun. When you attack with a blunt weapon (a cudgel, the pommel of a sword, a rock, etc.) you may attempt to knock out your target instead of wounding them. Roll the damage die as usual: you inflict no damage, instead you compare the result with the target's current health. The target is incapacitated until the end of the stretch if the rolled damage matches or exceeds half their current health. If the damage matches or exceeds their total current health, they are incapacitated until the end of the watch instead.
Swim. Proficient at swimming (you can attempt to swim while carrying up to bulk 4, or while sprinting). Your attacks aren't impaired while swimming. You can hold your breath for twice as long (8 rounds instead of 4).
Tough. Your maximum health, as well as the threshold for instant death, are increased by 3 (equal to STR+3).
True grit. When dying, you survive until the end of the stretch, rather than until the end of the next round. You aren't instantly killed when you suffer damage matching your STR at once.
Wrestling. Targets of your shove and grapple attacks can't resist with a STR save unless they also have this skill. You can only be shoved or grappled by characters with this skill.
Addicted. The character is addicted to a specific substance. On a daily rest, they must consume it or temporarily reduce WIT by 1. On a full rest, they must consume 4 units of it or temporarily reduce WIT by 1 for each missing unit after the rest.
Armour. The character is protected by some form of natural armour, such as thick hide, scales, a shell, etc. This provides the indicated armour value. However, it doesn't stack with worn armour: only use the higher value.
Beast. The character has animal-level intelligence and mostly behaves according to instinct.
Corrupting. Anyone touched by this character suffers the indicated amount of corruption. This includes targets of melee attacks, unless they successfully dodge.
Demon. The character is a dark being of pure chaos manifested in the material world. It isn't incapacitated by critical damage, but is vanquished if reduced to 0 health. It's spirit isn't destroyed, but returns to where it came from. Demons are immune to corruption, disease, and poison.
Dim-witted. The character is unable to learn complex intellectual skills, such as erudition, medicine, sorcery, etc. The GM evaluates which skills aren't allowed.
Fast. The character moves at double speed.
Flyer. The character can fly. There are three categories of flyers: landers can't attack and stay still while flying; swoopers can attack but can't stay still; hoverers can attack and stay still.
Frail. The character halves carry limit and bulk.
Frightening. The character causes fear within range 4. They are immune to frightening characters and treats terrifying characters as frightening.
Immunity. The character is completely immune to the listed hazards (such as poison, disease, fire, corruption, etc.).
Mindless. The character has no actual intelligence, such as an automaton or a flesh puppet. Behaves in a very restricted way, following some sort of programming. Is immune to mind control, fear, terror, and other mental effects.
Mutation. The character has the mutations listed after the trait.
Permanent condition. The character permanently applies the effects of the listed conditions.
Power. The character can invoke the listed power once per watch, with the listed amount of EP. The power always works and doesn't inflict corruption.
Regeneration. The character recovers half the amount of lost health each round, at the start of their turn. Fire damage stops regeneration for a watch.
Slow. The character moves at half speed.
Split. After suffering critical damage, the character splits into two copies, each one with health equal to the remaining amount and STR to match.
Sturdy. The character doubles carry limit and bulk. It also consumes twice the usual amount of food and water.
Terrifying. The character causes terror within range 4. They are immune to frightening and terrifying characters.
Undead. The character is neither alive nor dead. It doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep, breathe, or rest. It isn't incapacitated by critical damage, but is destroyed if reduced to 0 health. The undead are immune to corruption, disease, and poison.
Weapon. The character has a deadly natural weapon which can be used to attack, such as claws, fangs, fire-breath, etc.
Arm injury. You can't use one of your arms.
Bleeding. You suffer d4 direct damage at the end of each stretch. You recover if you roll 4 or more damage, or as soon as your wounds are stitched up using surgical tools.
Blind. You can't see. You can't notice anything by sight alone, your melee attacks require passing a WIT save to hit, and you can't use ranged attacks.
Deaf. You can't hear. You can't notice anything based on sound alone, and you might have trouble communicating with others and noticing ambushes.
Dying. You die at the end of the next round, unless you recover 1 health before then. If you do, you are stabilized but suffer an injury.
Entangled. You are unable to act. You can make an attempt to break free each round by passing a STR save, but can't do anything else. Nearby characters can attempt to free you by spending a round and passing a STR save.
Eye injury. You are unable to see from an eye. You halve the range of attacks and powers, and activities requiring depth perception, such as leaping, might be more challenging.
Frenzied. In combat, you can only spend your turn to attack, or if that's not possible to approach the closest enemy in preparation for a future attack. You are immune to fear, treat terror as fear, and you aren't incapacitated by critical damage.
Frightened. Something scares you. You can't approach the source of your fear.
Groggy. You are dazed, weak, or unsteady from intoxication or sleep. Your attacks inflict impaired damage and your abilities are temporarily reduced by 2. When you clear this condition, your abilities are increased back by 2. If you become groggy again while you already are, you become incapacitated instead.
Hobbled. Your movement speed is halved, and you must use a stick or crutch to stand.
Incapacitated. You are unconscious or in terrible pain. You are completely unable to act and defenceless.
Poisoned. You are suffering from poison.
Sick. You are suffering from disease.
Silenced. You can't speak or emit sounds. Among other things, this renders you unable to invoke powers.
Stunned. You can't act for a round. In combat, this means you can't do anything the next time you take turn, and can't react until then.
Terrified. Something terrifies you. You must run away from the source of your terror, or if that's not possible, you cower down and can't do anything else.